Several people have been asking what our plans are after I graduate in December. After a lot of thinking and praying, we have decided to stay in College Station for a while longer. I guess the best way to explain our decision is to explain what we had originally hoped to do.
Our plan when we got married was to stay in College Station until I finished school and then look for a Baptist church for Kyle to pastor. We started looking for open churches back in the spring, but there weren't any Reformed Baptist churches needing a senior pastor, and most are too small to need an associate or assistant pastor. Southern Baptist churches were kinda out of question because they are "scared" of Kyle because he went to a Presbyterian seminary, and we are both members of a Presbyterian church.
About a month ago, we were having lunch with our friend Chris Peterson from church who knew of a drafting job opening up at an engineering company and encouraged Kyle to apply. Kyle applied for the job, was interviewed and hired, and started his first day this past Monday at Bleyl & Associates in Bryan.
We were kinda disappointing that there were no pastoring jobs, but it seems as though God has closed the door to the pastorate for the time being as there are no open churches. Bleyl offers a better salary and great benefits, so although it wasn't exactly what we were praying for, it is still very exciting, and a great answer to prayer. Our lease is up in December, so our tentative plan is to sign a 9 month lease in January at an apartment/duplex, putting us here until September 2008 (doesn't that seem like a long time off?!)
Another major decision we've made in the last month is to change churches. During our college years Kyle and I both were/are members of Westminster Presbyterian in Bryan, but at the end of our engagement, we decided that maybe we should look for a Baptist church to join since 1) we are Baptist, and 2) Kyle wants to pastor a Baptist church someday. So last summer we looked around at several Baptist churches (and one non-denominational church), but felt like we had too many differences. So we ended up back at Westminster PCA.
We had such a wonderful year at Westminster, and have felt so blessed by the leadership and the people there. It is where we have made some of our very best friends, so it is really hard to leave, but we feel like it is the right thing to do.
It's hard to explain to people why we are leaving because when it comes down to it, we don't really want to leave. But over the past couple months, we have started feeling called to join/minister to a Baptist church. I'm not really one to use the phrase "God's calling me to..." very often- mostly because I'm always worried that it's just something that I've made up on my own and am attaching God's name to it so people will leave me alone about my decision, but that is really the only way I know to describe our decision to change churches.
Last summer, we chose Westminster because we felt it was the strongest, most sound, and most Biblical church in the BCS area. That feeling hasn't changed.
We're not leaving because we've found something wrong with the church, or been offended by something that happened, but rather because we feel called to help encourage healthy growth at another church.
Westminster is already set up with a strong session of deacons, elders, and pastors, who are very dedicated to following God's word and leading the flock, even when times and pressures are very hard. Although no church is ever "too full" of leaders and teachers, we feel that Kyle's teaching gifts might be needed more somewhere else.
Kyle and I briefly threw around the idea of planting a Reformed Baptist church in CS. We were talking to our good friend Jeremy Mollenkopf about that, and he said (very politely), "College Station doesn't need anymore baptist churches. They just need people to help the ones they've already got."
This was several months ago, but I've come back to that statement over and over again. It's really helped me think about the fact that God doesn't draw us to corporate worship only to be ministered to ourselves, but also in order to minister to others. And at this point, Kyle and I feel like our ministry is in a Baptist church in BCS.
We haven't picked a church yet, though between this summer and last summer we've attended about 10 different churches. Please pray for us as it's very hard to go to a church that is not your church family.
As far as my career plans after graduation, I'm not really sure. Honestly, I thought we would be moving to a different city in January, so I wasn't really anticipating having to look for a job until after the move. I like my part time job that I'm at now, but they like to keep it as a student worker position, so I won't be able to stay there. I've gotten interested in teaching (yes, again), but I'm expecting it to be rather difficult to find a teaching job in January, especially since I'm not certified (meaning I can only teach in private schools). So, I'm planning on taking the job hunting slow, and most likely substitute teaching in the spring. This doesn't really excite me, but since when is work exciting?