I am now in the home stretch- only 9 days until graduation!!!!! I am so excited to be graduating, and I can't believe how fast this semester has gone by. I expected it to drag along, but these past few months especially have really flown.
I only have 2 finals, and I can't imagine having more. Even with only having 2, I'm finding it hard to get motivated to study. I also started looking for jobs this week. I know, I know, I said a while back I was going to sub for a semester, and that's not completely out of the realm of possibility (especially if no one else wants to hire me, ha), but I at least want to
try to find something else.
What kind of job? Well, that's the interesting part. I'm not really sure. I'd like to do something where I'm working with people, and/or writing and editing. So I'm kind of looking for stuff in the marketing/HR/PR/writing/editing field. Does that narrow it down?
With such a cloudy idea of what I want to do, it's been confusing to even know where to begin. I've been hoping that I'll just know it when I see it. I went to the A&M Career Center yesterday, and I was really impressed with their office. The lady I talked to, who works specifically with Liberal Arts majors, gave me some good ideas of where to look, as well as some tips on my resume.
She also gave me a handout called, "What kinds of jobs can I get with an English major?" Some of the suggestions were painfully obvious like "teacher" and "freelance writer," but there were several that were more, shall we say, "non-traditional." Here are some of my favorites:
- Church Youth Program Director
- FBI Agent
- Peace Corps Administrator or Trainer
- Radio & TV Broadcaster
- U.S. Military Officer
I had no idea I was qualified for such adventurous tasks. Better go work on my push-ups.