Friday, October 05, 2007

An Intern No More

Today was my last day as the writing intern for Mays Business School. Hooray! It is a student worker position, so I knew I would be leaving in December when I graduated (or they would kick me out), so after thinking about it, I decided to push up my resignation time by a couple months.

Some of you know that I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (think mono), and for some reason, the fall seems to be the worst time of year for it. I don't really know why- I think it could be because summers are usually more low key, so school is always an unpleasant surprise. But anyway, I've been feeling more worn out lately, and since I can't get rid of school and I don't want to get rid of my friends, I decided work was the thing to go. =)

This whole fall-tiredness thing usually gets better in November, so I thought of staying with my job until graduation, but then I realized that this may be the last time in my life where I have the option of slowing down- whether it be because I have a job in the "real world," or I have kiddos to chase around. So, I thought I should enjoy it. =)

My boss threw me a little party today, which I thought was really sweet. The head boss even got me balloons! I was a little tickled because the balloons and card had "Graduation" on them, so it was like a pre-graduation party. (I guess they don't have sorry-that-you're-quitting ballons). I'm really glad that I had this opportunity to broaden my writing skills, and I'm reallyreally glad to now have a little more free time.


Nicole said...

good for you lindsay! enjoy your fall- and rest up! I hope that you get to feeling more energetic!

Anonymous said...

Lindsay Pindsay,
I'm really glad you decided to keep me and ditch the job. You did the right thing.